Saturday, 20 November 2010

Target Audience Questions

In order for me to find out what makes a soap successful i am going to have to find out what my target audience looks to find in a soap.  To get this information i will have to ask a range of questions to my specified target audience.  These questions will help me find out what is appealing in soaps and what the audience expects from them. These are the questions i will be asking:

1. Are you Male or Female?

2. How old are you?

3. How often do you watch soaps?

4.  Why do you watch soaps?

5.  What soaps do you watch?

6.  What entertains you in soaps?

7.  Do you like the stereotypical characters and why?

8.  Do you think the time slots wher soaps are scheduled are suitable?

I have left the questions i have asked as open questions as it gets the participant to use a wider vocabulary to answer there question.  It will also allow me to get a great more deal of information.

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