Friday, 25 March 2011

How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages

Myself using The Camera

Myself using Premiere Pro

Hotmail was used as m personal email address.  This allowed production team members to send images they had taken on there cameras that were made to be accessed by the whole team. It allowed me to download and save the images into my documents.
Adobe Premiere Pro
Premiere Pro was the software i used to edit my footage for my soap trailer.  Premiere Pro allowed me to cut footage down, change image scale, change the speed and time duration, add transition and effects, import music into the trailer timeline and create titles. 
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop was used for the construction of my poster and tv listing guide.  It allowed me to edit and refine images. I could access blending and cropping tools allowing my to edit parts of the images that i did not need.  It also allowed me to use texts which was enabled to access many font styles and size.
Facebook was a way of communicating with my production team so we can schedule times to get together and film.  It was also helpful in my target audience qestionnaire as i couldnt contact everyone face to face so was allowed to communicate to them through facebook.
Google Search Engine
Google search engine was my main source i used in my research and planning stages.  It helped me locate videos of soap trailers, websites for soaps and images to back up on my blog.
Freeplaymusic is the site where i located my background music for my soap trailer.  This site has every genre of music that is copyright free.

SONY Carl Ziess Video Camera
All of the footage for my media soap trailer was recorded on a sony video camera. 
This Sony voice recorder was used in my evaluation stages for my media product.  It was used for me to record an evaluation on how effective the combination of my main media product and ancillary texts are. 

Samsung NV3
My samsung camera was used to take photographs of didital images i could use in my poster and tv listing guide.
Nokia XpressMusic 5220
My Nokia phone was used in the planning and constructing stages of my media product as i had to get in contact with members of the production group. 
Wacom Intous4 Small
The Intous was used in the planning stages of my final media product. I used the intous to sketch out my ideas on how i wanted the poster and tv listing guide to look like.

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